Shops 3-4, 23 Civic Drive,

Greensborough Vic 3088


(03) 9068 6022

Opening hours

  • Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
  • Sat 9am - 2pm
  • Sun & Public holidays Closed

Dive into Relaxation with Us!

Pool and Spa Shop, Eltham

Discover the ultimate destination for all your pool and spa needs in Greensborough at Civic Pool & Spa Shop. Visit us today to browse our products.

Comprehensive Product Selection

Offering a wide range of products to satisfy all of your pool and spa needs is something we at Civic Pool & Spa Shop take great pride in. We provide everything from basic maintenance supplies to opulent upgrades, so whether you're a novice or an experienced pool owner, our store is your one-stop shop. We have an extensive selection of premium chemicals, equipment, cleaning supplies, and accessories from reputable manufacturers in store to make sure your pool or spa stays safe, clean, and fun all year round. Finding the ideal items to meet your needs and budget is made easier by the professional advice and support of our well-informed team, who are constantly available. You may make an investment in high-quality materials that will improve your aquatic experience when you shop at Civic Pool & Spa Shop.

Professional Services

Civic Pool & Spa Shop offers a wide range of products, as well as expert services to maintain your pool or spa in top shape. Everything from standard upkeep and repairs to equipment installation and upgrades is within the expertise of our team of knowledgeable professionals. We possess the knowledge and tools necessary to do any task quickly and successfully, whether it's installing a new automation system, replacing a pump, or giving the building a deep cleaning. Customer satisfaction is our first priority since we recognize how important prompt and dependable service is. You know that you'll always get high-quality items and expert service when you choose Civic Pool & Spa Shop for your pool and spa needs.

Contact our friendly team today for expert advice, scheduling maintenance, or resolving any pool and spa-related concerns.
Pool and Spa Shop, Eltham<br/>Affordable Pool and Spa Shop, Eltham<br/>Experienced Pool and Spa Shop, Eltham